“The royal family is looking for a maid of honor who will serve the queen,” the Southern Count, Richard Gender, said in a hoarse voice while looking at the burning flames of the fireplace. As always, he twirled a glass of wine.

“Margaret, you must enter the palace. Become the Queen’s exclusive maid. You know what kind of position it is; in there, you can find a much better marriage and learn all kinds of information. You’ll be at the center of power.”

Margaret, the count’s eldest daughter, frowned as she stood behind her father.

“But, Father, I’ve already decided whom I will marry.”

Richard leaned against the chair and snorted, rubbing his beard.

“Well, the Charmers is a good family. They can be helpful in the future… but if one gets into the palace and catches the eye of the royal family…you know what I mean? And the queen is, as expected— .”

“But the Queen is not that intelligent.”

The count coughed sharply. Margaret paused for a moment, but retorted stubbornly once more, “Everyone knows that if she hadn’t been crowned queen, she would have married away into a faraway country and never be seen again. I don’t know why the servants willingly put their lives on the line for that kind of person.”

“It’s true that the queen is a stupid woman, but that’s why she needs you! It doesn’t make sense for there to be only one woman and two men. How can she accept all the desires of a man at such a young age? Besides, she’s just had a baby, so it makes sense they need a maid.”

Richard turned and glanced at his eldest daughter. Margaret Gender was rumored to be the most beautiful out of all the young aristocrats. Richard rubbed his chin again.

“True, but it’s also a good way to become a nun.”

“But I’ve heard that His Majesty’s love for the Queen is immeasurable,” a low voice sounded. Margaret and Richard looked at the other person, who had been forgotten by the two.

Richard snorted. “That’s nonsense. It was just a sharing of power. That way, she won’t be in charge of the power. I’m sure His Majesty realizes that it’s best to have more women and therefore and is secretly seeking a concubine.”

“But, when one enters the palace, you have to wait on that stupid queen!” Margaret spoke in a dissatisfied tone.

Richard smashed the glass he was holding, and Margaret flinched as the wine spilled all over the table.

“Just do what I say! You will have informants and connections in the royal palace. Do you understand how great that is?”

“But I don’t want to go! I want to get married, and I’m also really busy. There’s no guarantee I’ll meet a better man in the royal family!” Margaret screamed.

Then the low voice interrupted again, “I’ll go.”

Two people looked at her once more. Ellen, who stood the shadows–where the fire’s light could not reach–stepped forward.

Richard studied his second daughter for a moment before snorting. “Even I won’t vote for anyone like you. A queen’s maid should have a majestic face. Do you think you’re cut out for this?”

“You’re going to the palace like that? Are you crazy? You are going to make a fool of our family!”Margaret looked at her sister in disgust.

Ellen glanced at her sister and father, and she covered her right face with a drooping head. “Think about it. My sister is beautiful. They’re choosing a servant for the queen, but the queen is also a woman. She wouldn’t want to have a beautiful woman by her side.”

Richard frowned. Ellen continued. “So, you don’t have to worry; they’ll definitely choose me.”

Margaret turned away, waving her hands in the air in disbelief. Richard’s eyes slowly softened.

“However, if you don’t get chosen for the maid of honor…then you’re no longer useful. I’m done feeding and dressing you up. You can pick a random place you want to live in and I’ll give it to you. After that, I won’t care even if you become a farmer. Do you understand?”

Ellen bit her lip and nodded. This was her only chance to escape this house.
